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We say "no" to Genetically Modified Crops and "yes" to going Organic

On family-owned farms, Florida Crystals cultivates the only organic sugarcane that’s sustainably grown in the U.S. Even better, we cultivate it using crops that are not genetically modified. But, you don’t have to take our word for it. All of our products have been independently certified by the Non-GMO Project to meet their rigid standards. Pretty sweet, right?

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Pure sweetness comes from homegrown organic sugarcane – that’s Florida Crystals®

In 1995, Florida Crystals planted the very first organic sugarcane grown in the U.S. Today, ours are still the only farms growing organic sugarcane here. Our plants are strong, sweet and not sprayed with pesticides or herbicides.

To grow organic sugarcane, we specifically plant a variety that’s fast-growing. Its leaves quickly provide a canopy to shade the soil, and block the sunlight from troublesome weeds that can grow below. We create habitats for wild barn owls to naturally free our farms of pests. Plus, our organic approach to farming means we’re careful to preserve our soil, rotating our crops with rice to provide food for local families and to store excess water from summer rains, all without the need for additional fertilizers.

As people in the U.S. continue to look for better options, we’ve doubled our organic farmland, cultivating it to grow delicious sugarcane that’s Non-GMO Project Verified, USDA Organic, Certified Kosher and vegan as well. And, as tastes and priorities continue to evolve, you can trust Florida Crystals® will continue to push the world of organic farming further into the future.

Sustainable Cane Sugars, the Florida Crystals® Way

Learn more about the lengths we go to on our family-owned Florida farms to grow, harvest and craft cane sugars in harmony with nature. It’s not easy, but it’s a commitment we’ve made to ourselves, our fans and the land we’re fortunate to farm. That’s why we’re the only organic raw cane sugar made from sugarcane grown in the U.S.
